Hello everyone, you can call me Avon. I am a contributor to a project called Briar. I’m interested in experimenting with nearby device networking layers (like Bluetooth, WLAN, p2p WiFi) & Goblins/OCapN.
For a while now, Briar project has been interested in providing a p2p development platform (some great details in this 2016 write up by another Briar Contributor: Dymaxion: Briar and Bramble: A Vision for Decentralized Infrastructure) and I think pairing Goblins and OCapN with some nearby-device networking capabilities could lead to some interesting ideas.
Oh awesome! Briar is a really interesting project. I think adding netlayers like the ones you mentioned sounds really exciting. I’ve been doing a lot on netlayers of late including writing a draft spec and working on other netlayers for Goblins. If you need any help or want to discuss them further, I’m happy to chat or help out, I’m @tsyesika:matrix.org on matrix or you can of course message me on here.
There’s also the OCapN pre-standardization group which meets every month (2nd Tuesday), you’re more than welcome if you’d like to join. We’re discussing standardization both for the whole of OCapN, including netlayers.
I been musing for a while how to combine AmbientTalk, Smart Messages, and my ActiveCapCert (WIP) stuff to these kind of DTN stuff. I would love to discuss this kind of ideas here.
Thanks so much for these links, really interesting work!
I’m also interested in exploring how to handle DTNs with Goblins/OCapN. I’m still very new to Scheme and Lisp programming, but one idea that’s been mentioned to me that I quite like is having some additional syntax to help Goblins programmers work with DTN layers vs more “real-time” netlayers like tcp or tor.
Maybe it would be useful to make a separate post in this forum to have longer form discussions about DTNs with OCapN/Goblins?
My name is Daniel. My only notable public work perhaps is a rewrite of Go on mobile’s encoding and decoding of android resources to improve testability (we like our fast compile times there I guess).
I’ve only recently invested time into learning scheme as I look to explore my varying interests in design. Generally interested in decentralization as a practical matter, Milner’s Calculus of Communicating Systems as a mode of thought and design, and things that make noise.
The work happening here further evokes dreams of unencumbered collaborative sound exploration and the work on wasm means maybe I get to explore a lot of tangents at once (and equally get nothing done).
Should be fun either way, but I’ve joined to share if something does actually get done.
I’m bitnik, a retired software developer with a C/C++/C# background. I started learning Scheme in 2000 because it was a way to pursue my coding and scripting passion on a pocket computer (Fred Bayer’s Lispme on PalmOS) and progressed from there through Guile (1.6 or thereabouts) to Chicken Scheme.
More recently I have become more interested in privacy. Spritely Institute’s work on several fronts has interested me, and the Hoot/Wasm interface sounds like fun.
Hi! I’m an open source developer, I’m excited about everything Guile/Guix so definitely Spritely has been on my radar from a while.
My latest hack is a Shepherd service that decrypts secrets for other services on a ramfs/tmpfs. Last night I had this enlightenment moment where I thought that this could be solved much more elegantly with Goblins (my approach has several downsides, some related to access control list security model).
I still need to smooth out some technical edges but I hope to be able to share something with you soon.
hello, i am a hobbyist who has been using scheme for around ~3 years or so, and currently I am looking into wasm and hoot to see if I can make a somewhat useful prototyped scheme(-like?) system with wasm.
I’m Nathan, on the day to day I’m a Python developer and I got interested in Lisps and Schemes because when I was still a student, I ended up picking Emacs as my main driver (especially to take notes) and I fell into the Lisp rabbit hole in the mean time.
I ended up playing around a bit with Racket, saw Guile mentioned as well and here we are. I have actually coded very little with Guile so seeing the forum open after FOSDEM and Christine’s excellent talk pushed me to see what was going on in here =)
I’m Mike Sugarbaker, I live at gibberish.com, and I’ve been kicking around the web world for 30+ years. I might be best known for a couple pieces of writing I did a really long time ago. Nowadays I’m into electronic music and, uh, burnout recovery.
Lots of heavy hitters in this thread, wow. I hope to find a way to be useful. I vacillate between wanting to build a big mega-communication tool for everything, and wanting to go even more meta and make a programming framework. Probably neither is a great idea.
Hello, my name is Chris. I’m also known as YAAPS and AceNovo. 50 Hertz is a joke about my age. I’ve been on hiatus a couple years but I’m interested in catching up on the latest with Spritely and resuming development on infrastructure for my epic distributed game, Yong Henge
I’ve been reading some of the various papers Spritely has put out. While by far not the most important part of those documents, I was struck by the point Christine made somewhere about how showing follower counts on social network profiles is not good design. It made me question a lot of other design choices that I’ve never questioned before, which I guess sort of led me to exploring this ocap stuff further.
Based on what I’ve seen so far in here I think it’s fair to say my level of knowledge on these subjects is one or more orders of magnitude below most of you. There is a lot of stuff that just goes over my head but I’m here to learn and trying to at least understand some of the higher-level concepts. Please do tell me when it looks like I’m misunderstanding something.
Fun fact which is seldom relevant anywhere else: The first language I ever learned (just basics) was Scheme.
Hi, I’m Dani (they/them), I’m a professional software developer of 15 years, living in London in the UK. In stereotypical fashion, the first language I learned was BBC BASIC. I’m okay at distributed systems in a practitioner, rather than academic, sense. I kind of wish I had the head to be an academic, but I don’t – I have to be building things for some reason. I am still very interested in a small set of technologies that are mostly embryonic, half-forgotten, under-appreciated, hopeful, ingenious, and things of that nature. (My other love is music.) I was turned on to capability-based systems by Cap’n Proto and the idea has lodged in my mind ever since. I’m mainly here to follow along but if I have something to contribute then maybe I would – energy very much permitting. Best wishes to all.
Hi all, I’m Scott, a.k.a. nanomonkey in the decentralized and open source communities. I’ve been a huge LISP fan, working in Clojure, uLisp, and elisp mostly, but getting back to CL and Scheme in an interest to find Lisp languages that can be compiles and interpreted. I’ve been a part of the Secure Scuttlebutt crew, building and enjoying the it’s decentralized technologies, and through them I briefly met Christine, and possible more of the Spritely Goblins crew at DWeb Camp.
Since then I have been curious on how Object Capabilities works in detail, especially since it doesn’t appear to utilize cryptography as the source of it’s security and privacy encapsulation, but instead appears to rely on the runtime environment. I’m still unsure how these claims are achieved in practice, without some sort of trust that your peers aren’t running altered runtime environments. Having read the Heart of Spritely documentation, I’m wondering where to look for this information, beyond the source code itself (the source of truth). Any help would be appreciated.
Anyways, it’s been a pleasure to jump back into Guile Scheme, and super exciting to see the work in Hoot. The ability to compile to wasm are tremendous.
I am not so much interested in security, as I am to stupid to set up a server (bought the hardware and kept ending up working from the terminal) Tried with Manjaro, Ubuntu and Debian (twice). I am more interested in Trust, Integrity and building a mesh or network across similar interests.
So for example, long term I want to be able to Use GNU-Linux but am still moving towards that. Having for example great difficulties setting up Jami (due to hardware drivers and other issues)
I have a reasonably secure email (better than gmail) at protonmail BUT I am trying to set up mailfence. It may just be another commercial centralised ‘service’ with a free option.
It takes time to get to know people. For example, I am interested in Generative AI but also aware of the potential misuses or risks it entails.
People who generate ideas, community involvement and inspiration are my goal with Mastodon, where I am too simple-minded to collect follow and move to a different instance/server. Geek instruction sets just confuse me.
As they say in the future, stoke up the back burner, man the forge and start bellowing.
Hi, I’m Yulia (she/her), a student interested in both low-level and high-level programming, especially in Common Lisp and Scheme, compiler technology and operating systems. Willing to learn more about distributed networks. Nice to meet you all.