The Beginning: Scarce Invitations

Welcome to the initially-private Spritely Networked Communities Institute community.

For the first few weeks/months, the members of this community will be invited by the founders in order to focus on refining the technical foundations and the social messaging around the work.

Let’s use this topic to talk about who we need to ask to join the conversation, and when - keeping in mind that time is precious and building consensus requires effort.

If you’d rather suggest someone without posting to this shared thread, please feel free to DM me with the name, email address, and a short rationale -I’d be happy to follow up.

Thank you so much for being here!

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Hi! Would you be okay to invite a few of my colleagues at the Filecoin Foundation: Pan Chasinga, an interested demo-maker; Kaitlin Donovan, Spritely’s PM-to-be here; and Stefan Magdalinski, my partner-in-crime at Social Impact?