Supporter drive goal complete! Time for a stretch goal!

Hey everyone,

We are pleased to announce that we have met our supporter drive fundraising goal of $80k! THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has donated and made this possible. We are feeling the love over here.

We have not only reached our goal, but we did it with ~3 weeks left to go. That means it’s time for a stretch goal! If we can raise another $40k (an additional 50% of the original goal) we can do the following:

  • Spritely Goblins playground in the browser: Take your first steps with Goblins from the comfort of your web browser without having to install anything.
  • Cirkoban Deluxe: Cirkoban is a fun little game we made to show off our early progress of porting Goblins to the web with Hoot. We’ve heard so many kind things about the game that we’d like to ship an update as a little bonus treat to all of our supporters!

BTW, we are actively working on updating our game credits to thank all our Silver, Gold, and Diamond tier supporters!

For the full details, check out our blog post: