I was wondering if the team at Spritely could look over my site.
www.erge.to and possibly provide a mentorship for our organization.
I believe in your ideals very much and would like to make my project a model site by your standards.
I need help with framing and positioning a lot as well as the exposure it would bring my site to be mentored by your organization.
I’m sorry if my message is off topic.
You can reach me at ez@m.erge.to for questions or clarification.
Thank you for your time.
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December 20, 2024, 3:42pm
Hi! I’m not quite sure what it would mean to do mentorship here. I am glad to hear that you feel we have aligned values. Relatedly, we published more of our values recently on our About page . Perhaps more will align with you.
Best of luck building your community!
Perhaps give it a thought and see what my ideals are as already stated on the site…
I think it would be beneficial for both of our organizations but you never know unless you try…
I thought I read somewhere here you are interested in stewarding the future of online social communication…
What better way than to tell an organization starting out what they are doing wrong and what they need to improve to be accessible and safe to all.
Have a pleasant day.